Wednesday, July 2, 2014

KaKaDum 1.2.0 Released!

A lot of time has passed since last KaKaDum update and now I'm happy to say that new version is available on the App Store. It incorporates entirely new audio engine and as the result more precise timing and robust playback.
On top of that I've added possibility to playback over AirPlay, extended pattern measure with denominator, tweaked a bit UI.
Check it out!


  1. This app is awesome! I think it would be great if you made a second app for the djembe...using Gun, Dun, go, do, pa, and ta as the basic notes. It would be great to catalog African djembe rhythms and also creating your own I have been for the darbuka with this app.

    1. Hi Eric! Thank you!
      It's a good idea, I also thought about this. Unfortunately at the moment I have a time to only do minor fixes to KaKaDum. Nevertheless, I'll probably return to this topic in the future!
